Situations, where quick veterinary help is needed can occur any time. In many cases,
the patient can’t be transported, and can’t be taken to a veterinarian.

In such cases, you can receive help from the private enterprise
of dr. László Horváth, the


Non-stop call 06-30-942-0987
Day-time call 06-20-257-1672

Emergency care of a clinical standard with great experience for dogs and cats
on every day of the year, in the evening, at night, on weekends, and on holidays as well!

Emergency care

Emergency veterinary care (at the place where the animal is kept) is required in case of sudden, unexpected illnesses, accidents, deterioration of chronic conditions, or if poisonings are suspected.


The service is only available for dogs and cats, only in the territory of Budapest, in cases when the animal is not transportable, and only on payment.

Transport of patients

If the patient needs further medical treatment (examinations, operation), its transport to an animal hospital after the emergency care can be requested, but I do not undertake transport without emergency care.


On the request of the owner (based on a signed written statement) I can undertake putting the animal down without causing pain, and I can also undertake the transport of the carcass, if requested.

Other services

Besides emergency care, I can undertake the continuous medical treatment of dogs and cats.

Consultation regarding maintenance and nutrition, • providing vaccinations (including anti-rabies) and following when these are due, • disinfecting, • conducting the necessary examinations when symptoms of certain illnesses appear, • arranging and conducting clinical examinations, • providing the necessary medicine.

If you only need transport for your pet (without veterinary care), please call  06-30-942-0431  the animal transport company of Mr. Gyula Bárkányi and Mr. Róbert Vancsura. They undertake the transport of dogs and cats from any place to any place with appropriate experience and a great routine.

Állatorvosi Elsősegély-szolgálat